Does Steam Help Asthma? You May Breathe Easier With Steam

Have you experienced any symptoms of asthma, such as wheezing, clogged sinuses, shortness of breath, chest tightness, or a dry cough? Steam inhalation may be a quick and effective way to relieve discomfort and pressure.


While much of the focus for treating asthma is on medications, steam therapy is also gaining recognition as an effective method for relieving congestion in the airways and improving breathing.


If you are experiencing asthma symptoms and need to clear your airways, you can try taking a hot, steamy shower at home, using a humidifier, or spending time in a steam room.

How steam alleviates asthma?

Steam inhalation can help to ease nasal congestion by moistening and loosening the mucus in the nasal passages. The heat and moisture from the steam can also help to reduce inflammation and swelling in the nasal passages, which can help to improve breathing and clear congestion.


To use steam inhalation to alleviate nasal congestion, you can take a hot, steamy shower, use a humidifier, or spend time in a steam room. You can also try boiling water and inhaling the steam through your nose, or using a nasal decongestant spray or drops to help clear nasal congestion. It is important to follow the instructions for any nasal decongestant product carefully and not use it for longer than the recommended duration, as overuse can lead to further congestion.

It eases nasal congestion

Steam inhalation can help to ease nasal congestion by moistening and loosening the mucus in the nasal passages. The heat and moisture from the steam can also help to reduce inflammation and swelling in the nasal passages, which can help to improve breathing and clear congestion.


To use steam inhalation to alleviate nasal congestion, you can take a hot, steamy shower, use a humidifier, or spend time in a steam room. You can also try boiling water and inhaling the steam through your nose, or using a nasal decongestant spray or drops to help clear nasal congestion. It is important to follow the instructions for any nasal decongestant product carefully and not use it for longer than the recommended duration, as overuse can lead to further congestion.

It provides moisture to the airways

Steam inhalation provides moisture to the airways by releasing water vapor into the air. When you inhale the steam, the water vapor can help to moisturize the mucous membranes in the respiratory system, including the nasal passages, bronchi, and lungs.

The moisture from the steam can help to loosen and clear mucus from the airways, which can help to improve breathing and alleviate congestion. The heat from the steam can also help to reduce inflammation and swelling in the airways, which can further improve airflow and breathing.

To use steam inhalation to provide moisture to the airways, you can take a hot, steamy shower, use a humidifier, or spend time in a steam room. You can also try boiling water and inhaling the steam through your nose or mouth. It is important to be careful when inhaling steam, as the water vapor can be hot and may cause burns if it comes into contact with your skin. It is also important to drink plenty of fluids to help keep your body hydrated when using steam inhalation.


It reduces stress

There is some evidence to suggest that steam inhalation may have a calming effect on the body and may help to reduce stress and promote relaxation. This may be due, in part, to the warmth and moisture of the steam, which can help to soothe and relax the muscles and mind.


In addition, the act of taking a hot, steamy shower or spending time in a steam room can be a mindful, self-care activity that can help to reduce stress and promote a sense of well-being. The heat and humidity of the steam can also help to improve circulation, which may further contribute to feelings of relaxation and stress relief.


It is important to note that while steam inhalation may have some stress-reducing effects, it should not be considered a substitute for evidence-based treatments for stress, such as therapy or medication if they are recommended by a healthcare provider.

How to do simple steam therapy at home?

There are several simple ways to do steam therapy at home:


Take a hot, steamy shower: This is an easy and convenient way to get the benefits of steam therapy. Simply spend extra time in the shower with the water as hot as you can tolerate it and let the steam surround you. You can also try using a hot, damp towel to cover your head and inhale the steam through your nose or mouth.


Use a humidifier: A humidifier adds moisture to the air, which can help to loosen congestion and improve breathing. You can use a cool mist or warm mist humidifier, depending on your preference. It is important to clean the humidifier regularly to prevent the growth of mold and bacteria.


Boil water: Boil a pot of water on the stove and carefully inhale the steam through your nose or mouth. You can also add a few drops of essential oils, such as eucalyptus or peppermint, to the water to help clear congestion and improve breathing.


Spend time in a steam room: If you have access to a steam room at a gym or spa, you can spend time in the steam room to get the benefits of steam therapy. It is important to follow the facility’s guidelines for use and to stay hydrated while in the steam room.


It is important to be careful when using steam therapy at home, as the steam can be hot and may cause burns if it comes into contact with your skin. It is also important to follow any instructions or recommendations provided by a healthcare provider.

Factors to consider

There are several factors to consider when taking steam if you have asthma:


  1. Consult with your healthcare provider: It is important to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new treatment, including steam therapy, for your asthma. Your healthcare provider can help you determine if steam therapy is appropriate for you and can provide guidance on how to safely use it as part of your asthma management plan.


  1. Use caution when inhaling steam: The steam can be hot and may cause burns if it comes into contact with your skin. It is important to be careful when inhaling steam and to follow any instructions provided by your healthcare provider.


  1. Use in conjunction with other asthma management strategies: Steam therapy should not be used as a replacement for prescribed medications and should be used in conjunction with other asthma management strategies as recommended by a healthcare provider.


  1. Stay hydrated: It is important to drink plenty of fluids when using steam therapy to help keep your body hydrated.


  1. Consider any potential triggers: If you have allergies or other triggers that can worsen your asthma symptoms, it is important to consider these when using steam therapy. For example, if you are allergic to the essential oils used in the steam, it may not be appropriate for you to use them.


  1. Be aware of the environment: If you are using a humidifier or spending time in a steam room, it is important to be aware of the humidity levels in the environment. High humidity levels can worsen asthma symptoms, so it is important to keep the humidity level within a comfortable range for you.

The lowdown

Here is a summary of the potential benefits and considerations of using steam therapy to alleviate asthma:




1. Steam inhalation can help to moisten and loosen mucus in the airways, which can make it easier to clear congestion and improve breathing.

2. The heat and moisture from the steam can also help to reduce inflammation and swelling in the airways, which can further improve airflow and alleviate symptoms such as chest tightness and difficulty breathing.

3. Steam therapy is a relatively safe and simple adjunctive therapy that can be done at home.



1. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting steam therapy or any other new treatment for asthma.

2. Steam therapy should be used in conjunction with other asthma management strategies as recommended by a healthcare provider and should not be used as a replacement for prescribed medications.

3. It is important to be careful when inhaling steam, as the steam can be hot and may cause burns if it comes into contact with your skin.

4. If you have allergies or other triggers that can worsen your asthma symptoms, it is important to consider these when using steam therapy.

5. It is important to drink plenty of fluids when using steam therapy to help keep your body hydrated.

6. If you are using a humidifier or spending time in a steam room, it is important to be aware of the humidity levels in the environment and to keep the humidity level within a comfortable range for you.